Here you will find the latest coworking news about The Yard and our hot take on the workplace industry. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and see what we have to say about current coworking trends.

Saving Money on Business Startup Costs
AUGUST 27, 2019/ BY JANN CHAMBERS Developing a business from the ground up can get costly quickly, which is why saving money on business startup costs should be a top

Virtual Events @ The Yard: April 27- May 1
APRIL 27, 2020/ BY TARA M F LEAVITT We know that this is a tough time, so The Yard team has prepared a variety of virtual events for our members

4 Benefits of Co-Working Spaces That Beat Traditional Offices
4 Benefits of Co-Working Spaces vs Traditional Offices The world of work has changed over the last decade or so, and with that change came a shift in the “traditional”

The Value of Art in the Workplace and Other Public Spaces
The Value of Art in the Workplace and Other Public Spaces You’d be surprised to know how much your environment affects your mood — and your work. Whether it’s the